Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach James F. Kurose Keith W. Ross  
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Building on the successful top-down approach of previous editions, the Fourth Edition of Computer Networking continues with an early emphasis on application-layer paradigms and application programming interfaces, encouraging a hands-on experience with protocols and networking concepts. With this edition, Kurose and Ross bring the issues of network security to the forefront, along with integration of the most current and relevant networking technologies.

Computer Networks and the Internet; Application Layer; Transport Layer; The Network Layer; The Link Layer and Local Area Networks; Wireless and Mobile Networks; Multimedia Networking; Security in Computer Networks; Network Management.

For all readers interested in computer networking technologies.

Mac OS X for Unix Geeks Brian Jepson Ernest E. Rothman  
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It's about time: Mac OS X for Unix Geeksarrives on the scene none too soon for UNIX aficionados who, having heard that the latest editions of Mac OS are based on a UNIX variant, want to see how the platform compares to more venerable versions of the eminently configurable operating system. This book highlights some key differences between the Darwin environment and more conventional UNIXs, enabling people with UNIX experience to take advantage of it as they learn the Mac OS X way of doing things at the command line.

This skinny volume neither aims to teach its readers UNIX nor introduce them to the Mac, but rather to show how Apple has implemented UNIX. It's a fast read that assumes—as the title implies—rather a lot of UNIX knowledge. With that requirement satisfied and this book in hand, you're likely to discover aspects of Aqua more quickly than you otherwise would have.

The authors spend lots of time explaining how administrative tasks—such as managing groups, users, and passwords—are handled in the Mac OS environment. They document netinfofully, and call attention to its limitations (like its inability to create home directories for users) by explaining how to do the job on the command line. They also cover C programming in the Darwin universe at greater length than any other book does, providing explicit instructions for such important tasks as creating header files and linking static libraries. A guide to the command line (they call the reference section—groan——"The Missing Manpages") provides good value at this book's conclusion. —David Wall

Topics covered:How to get around in Darwin, the UNIX implementation built into Mac OS X. Sections deal with basic maneuvering at the command line, LDAP services, C programming, and graphical user interfaces under Aqua. There's a short section on building the kernel itself, but it's limited in scope.

Imagineering Atlanta: The Politics of Place in the City of Dreams (Haymarket Series) Charles Rutheiser  
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Is Atlanta really the "New York of the South"? Does it have a World Trade Center? A stock exchange? An urban center? Why not? Anthropologist Charles Rutheiser looks at why the city never attained traditional urbanity in this accessible, well-researched historical study. He implicates politicians, economics and a racialized topography for the city's failure to thrive, showing that outlying white areas developed at the expense of the city's black core. Imagineering Atlantasteps around the hype of the 1996 Olympics and Atlanta's characteristic boosterism to make a case that is poignant and convincing.

The iPhone Developer's Cookbook: Building Applications with the iPhone SDK Erica Sadun  
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“This book would be a bargain at ten times its price! If you are writing iPhone software, it will save you weeks of development time. Erica has included dozens of crisp and clear examples illustrating essential iPhone development techniques and many others that show special effects going way beyond Apple’s official documentation.”

—Tim Burks, iPhone Software Developer, TootSweet Software

“Erica Sadun’s technical expertise lives up to the Addison-Wesley name. The iPhone Developer’s Cookbook is a comprehensive walkthrough of iPhone development that will help anyone out, from beginners to more experienced developers. Code samples and screenshots help punctuate the numerous tips and tricks in this book.”

—Jacqui Cheng, Associate Editor, Ars Technica

“We make our living writing this stuff and yet I am humbled by Erica’s command of her subject matter and the way she presents the material: pleasantly informal, then very appropriately detailed technically. This is a going to be the Petzold book for iPhone developers.”

—Daniel Pasco, Lead Developer and CEO, Black Pixel Luminance

“The iPhone Developer’s Cookbook: Building Applications with the iPhone SDK should be the first resource for the beginning iPhone programmer, and is the best supplemental material to Apple’s own documentation.”

—Alex C. Schaefer, Lead Programmer, ApolloIM, iPhone Application Development Specialist, MeLLmo, Inc

“Erica’s book is a truly great resource for Cocoa Touch developers. This book goes far beyond the documentation on Apple’s Web site, and she includes methods that give the developer a deeper understanding of the iPhone OS, by letting them glimpse at what’s going on behind the scenes on this incredible mobile platform.”

—John Zorko, Sr. Software Engineer, Mobile Devices

The iPhone and iPod touch aren’t just attracting millions of new users; their breakthrough development platform enables programmers to build tomorrow’s killer applications. If you’re getting started with iPhone programming, this book brings together tested, ready-to-use code for hundreds of the challenges you’re most likely to encounter. Use this fully documented, easy-to-customize code to get productive fast—and focus your time on the specifics of your application, not boilerplate tasks.

Leading iPhone developer Erica Sadun begins by exploring the iPhone delivery platform and SDK, helping you set up your development environment, and showing how iPhone applications are constructed. Next, she offers single-task recipes for the full spectrum of iPhone/iPod touch programming jobs: Utilize views and tablesOrganize interface elementsAlert and respond to usersAccess the Address Book (people), Core Location (places), and Sensors (things)Connect to the Internet and Web servicesDisplay media contentCreate secure Keychain entriesAnd much more

You’ll even discover how to use Cover Flow to create gorgeous visual selection experiences that put scrolling lists to shame!

This book is organized for fast access: related tasks are grouped together, and you can jump directly to the right solution, even if you don’t know which class or framework to use. All code is based on Apple’s publicly released iPhone SDK, not a beta. No matter what iPhone projects come your way, The iPhone Developer’s Cookbook will be your indispensable companion.

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Cosmoswas the first science TV blockbuster, and Carl Sagan was its (human) star. By the time of Sagan's death in 1997, the series had been seen by half a billion people; Sagan was perhaps the best-known scientist on the planet. Explaining how the series came about, Sagan recalled:

I was positive from my own experience that an enormous global interest exists in the exploration of the planets and in many kindred scientific topics—the origin of life, the Earth, and the Cosmos, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, our connection with the universe. And I was certain that this interest could be excited through that most powerful communications medium, television.

Sagan's own interest and enthusiasm for the universe were so vivid and infectious, his screen presence so engaging, that viewers and readers couldn't help but be caught up in his vision. From stars in their "billions and billions" to the amino acids in the primordial ocean, Sagan communicated a feeling for science as a process of discovery. Inevitably, some of the science in Cosmoshas been outdated in the years since 1980—but Sagan's sense of wonder is ageless. —Mary Ellen Curtin

Artists on Comic Art Mark Salisbury  
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Revealing, in-depth interviews with comics legends such as Brian Bolland, Steve Dillon, Dave Gibbons, Jim Lee, Frank Miller and Alex Ross amongst others. The secrets of translating comics script to graphic storytelling are revealed for the first time.

Technique, style, layouts, approach, pencilling, inking... no facet of the artist's craft is left unexplored, and this is just the beginning. Salisbury gets to grips with the lively creative genius behind the pencil and ink, presenting an unparalleled insight into the widescreen mind of the comic book artist. Revealing, instructional, shocking and humorous, Artists on Comics Art has something for comics fans, budding artists and hardened professionals.