Week 1
Aug 22 | Intro to Course
Introduction to course objectives and plan for the term (slides)
To do: Make sure Python is on your computer
Aug 24 | Intro to Python
Introduction to programming in Python, syntax, conditionals, iteration, functions (slides)
Homework 1 – Analyzing Plain Text Data
Book chapters 1-5
Week 2
Aug 29 | Python Data Structures
String manipulation. Lists, tuples, and dictionaries (slides)
Book chapters 6, 8-10
Aug 31 | Manipulating Files
Opening, reading, and writing files and handling exceptions (slides)
Book chapter 7
Week 3
Sept 5 | Lab Day
Continue material from previous slides
Sept 7 | Python Data Manipulation
Reading, writing, and working with CSV and JSON files; regular expressions (slides)
Homework 2 – Analyzing Structured Data Using CSV and JSON
Book chapter 13
Homework 1 Due TODAY!
Week 4
Sept 14 | Continue Python Data Manipulation
Continue slides from previous class. Working with JSON data, parsing text, regular expressions.
Week 5
Sept 19 | Accessing Web Data with Python
Connecting to the web and downloading files. Using web APIs (slides)
Sept 21 | Continue Twitter Example
Walkthrough of the Twitter API
Homework 3 – Analyzing Data from the Web
Week 6
Sept 26 | NO CLASS – Instructor out sick
Homework 2 Due TODAY!
Sept 28 | Intro to Processing
Intro to Processing and programming simple graphics (slides)
To do: Get Processing installed on your computer
Week 7
Oct 3 | Continue Processing
Object-oriented programming in Processing (slides)
Oct 5 | Intro to Java and Lab Day
Conditionals, iteration, random numbers, arrays, API (slides)
Object-oriented programming, classes, types, math expressions, I/O, program development (slides)
To do: Make sure the JDK is on your computer
Week 8
Oct 10 | No Class—Fall Recess
Oct 12 | Conclude Processing, Lab Day
Getting data in and out of Processing, using Unfolding (slides)
Homework 4 – Interacting with Data Using Processing
Homework 3 Due TODAY!
Week 9
Oct 17 | Java and OOP
Install JVM
Classes, instance data, methods, constructors, visibility, static (slides)
Inheritance, abstract classes, interfaces (slides)
Oct 19 | No Class—Instructor Out
Week 10
Oct 24 | GUIs and Event-Driven Programs 1
Java AWT and Swing, graphics operations, Frames, Panels, Labels, program structure (slides)
Oct 26 | GUIs and Event-Driven Programs 2
Swing event model, handlers & callbacks, buttons, text fields, and dialog boxes (slides)
Homework 4 Due TODAY!
Homework 5 – Building Event-Driven Programs with Java
Week 11
Oct 31 | GUIs and Event-Driven Programs 3
Swing layout management, program design and communication (slides)
Swing components: sliders, text areas, combo boxes, choosers, Mouse events, Key events, Timer events (slides)
Nov 2 | Final Project Intro and Lab Day
Intro to final physical prototyping project (Kayla DesPortes)
Lab time
Week 12
Nov 7 | Prototyping Lab and Other Resources
Prototyping Lab orientation
Overview of other campus resources and software that could be useful
Homeworks 6 & 7 – Physical Prototyping and Design with Arduino
Homework 5 Due TODAY!
LOCATION: Meet in GVU Prototyping Lab, TSRB Basement.
Nov 9 | Superheroes, Supervillains, and Interactive Design
Superhero discussion and analysis
Interactive art presentation
Issue deconstruction and sharing
LOCATION: Meet in regular classroom
Week 13
Nov 14 | Arduino Sparkfun Kit and Character Sketching
Basic electronics review
Introduction to Arduino – Blinky LED
Superhero/Supervillan sketching
LOCATION: Meet in regular classroom
Nov 16 | Hardware, Software, and Prototyping
Rotating Sessions (4-5 people per group):
Arduino and Processing integration
3D printing software
Laser cutting software
Soldering LED circuits
LOCATION: Class will meet in GVU Cafe (TSRB 204) and go to Prototyping Lab as needed
Week 14
Nov 21 | Rapid Prototyping and Work Day
Rapid Prototyping
SCRUM and work session
LOCATION: Class will meet in GVU Cafe
Nov 23 | No Class—Thanksgiving Break
Week 15
Nov 28 | Critique session
Rotating Presentations and Critiques
Homework 6 Due TODAY!
LOCATION: Class will meet in our normal Scheller classroom
Nov 30 | Work Day
SCRUM and Work Session
LOCATION: Class will meet in GVU Cafe, transition to Prototyping Lab as needed
Week 16
Dec 5 | Final Presentations
Homework 7 Due TODAY!
Dec 7 | No Class—Reading Period